A chat with Thom Hartmann on race - Progressive faith - Bridge to independents
If we are to save our democracy, we have got to hit on all cylinders. This means addressing all pathways that connect some or all progressive, racial, independent values, and more.
In this Issue:
Thom Hartmann interviews Egberto Willies on America living up to ‘All people are created equal.’
Jason Miller speaks on those of faith in the Left actively promoting their values loudly.
Linda Curtis, Co-Founder of the League of Independent Voters (LIV), wants a new coalition to force political change.
Thom Hartmann interviews Egberto Willies on America living up to ‘All people are created equal.’
I appeared on the Thom Hartmann show to discuss whether America can fulfill the second part of our Democracy, ‘all people created equal.’
See full episodes here.
Hartmann stated that America has pretty much lived up to democracy. We are a society governed at least via the vote, by the many as defined in the constitution. But he asked the prescient question. Have we lived up to the other part? Are all people in America treated as if they are created equally as if they are, in fact, just as human as the current majority population?
I pointed out that while we are not there yet, we can and are getting there. But to get there, we have to understand the delay. And that delay is twofold.
One must first realize and believe from their inner core that folks of different hues and characteristics are just as human. Too many in the majority population may get it in an antiseptic form but not from within their hearts. The reality of all being human must first permeate the psyche of all.
The second reason is more carnal and self-preserving. White people may be scared that the ‘others’ may return the favor when they are no longer in the majority. That is an unsubstantiated fear. The dialogue will continue to play a role in change. But we cannot allow those who profit from racism to stunt the dialogue.
Jason Miller speaks on those of faith in the Left actively promoting their values loudly.
Jason Miller, Director of Campaigns and Development for the Franciscan Action Network, discusses those of faith on the Left actively promoting their values loudly.
See full episodes here.
Miller appeared on Politics Done Right to discuss his work with the Franciscan Action Network and Faithful Democracy. Miller made clear that it is time for people of faith to assert their voices for policies that matter to all Americans instead of allowing a negative political infiltration.
The Franciscan Action Network is a collective Franciscan voice seeking to transform United States public policy related to peacemaking, care for creation, poverty, and human rights.
Faithful Democracy is a growing national coalition of diverse congregations, faith-based organizations, and religious leaders with a shared concern about the state of our democracy in the 21st Century. We recognize the need to reform our foundational democratic systems to align more closely with the ideals of a beloved community in which all members belong and contribute. Any major movement dedicated to comprehensive reform—from the care of creation to civil rights and debt relief for developing countries—has included people of faith's unique voice and perspective. Our network of faith-based partners joins voices around the need for transformational democracy reform.
Who is Jason Miller?
Jason Miller is a faith-based advocate and organizer originally from Toledo, Ohio, and serves as the co-chair of the Faithful Democracy WISC working group. After earning his B.A. in History and Religious Studies, Jason entered a year of service with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps in Nashville, Tennessee, working at Catholic Charities Refugee Services.
Miller then relocated to the Washington, D.C. area to complete a master’s degree in Conflict Analysis and Resolution at George Mason University. Jason has since devoted himself to faith-based communications and advocacy work on behalf of economic justice and climate justice issues. Currently, he works as the Director of Campaigns and Development at the Franciscan Action Network.
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Linda Curtis, Co-Founder of LIV, wants a new coalition to force political change.
See full episodes here.
Linda Curtis spoke about the Big Freeze and the “Big Squeeze” in Texas. According to BuzzFeed, Texas corporatist policies did not kill the reported 151 Texans but likely four to five times that number. The gross mismanagement and stewardship of Texas land and water resources, along with its acquiescence to lobbyists and corporate greed, is dangerous to our health and our future generation’s needs.
Linda points out that Texans and the rest of the country are at great risk by the abuses of lobbyists who dictate the actions carried out by their minions in office. She said that both parties are allowing this to happen. Linda clarified that we need a united front of electoral competition, inside and outside the major parties, to open up and clean up this state.
“Most voters want more than two options,” said Linda. “The Democrats would be much smarter speaking to independents by supporting reforms we all want. Stifling independent voters, instead of embracing us, working with us, and, yes, disagreeing with us to build consensus, is critically important leading up to the 2022 election and for small ‘d’ democracy.”
Who is Linda Curtis?
Linda Curtis is a co-founder of “League of Independent Voters of Texas” (LIV) and longtime political independent. Linda has a 40-year history advocating for non-aligned independent voters. It all started for her with the history-making presidential campaign of Lenora Fulani, the first woman and African American to get on the ballot for President in 50 states (1988). Linda became the Texas Reform Party state organizer serving under State Chair Paul Truax of Dallas (now deceased).
In 2001, Linda helped form a PAC, Independent Texans. IndyTexans, now dormant, remains a registered PAC for a reason — we all know independent (non-aligned) voters continue to rise. Linda is a ballot access expert for new parties, independent candidates, and citizen’s petitions in Texas. She is leading LIV’s effort to bring together the tools to share with those doing citizen’s petitions we call “Homegrown Petitions.”
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