Dem Tool exposes GOP Social Security cuts. Unconscionable Billionaire Growth. Aquino visit.
Dems released an online tool to illustrate GOP cuts to Social Security. Neil Aquino visits. Forbes Billionaires List Shows 'Utterly Unconscionable' Wealth Growth of World's Richest.
Politics Done Right
Topics covered on the show today.
House Dems Expose How GOP Social Security Cuts 'Would Hurt Families': "This Republican budget is an attack on seniors, veterans, and the middle class," said the House Budget Committee's top Democrat. [More]
Neil Aquino is on deck: Houston Democracy Project’s Neil Aquino discusses the success of progressives in getting most of their candidates elected in Houston and Harris County, Texas. [More]
Forbes Billionaires List Shows ‘Utterly Unconscionable’ Wealth Growth of World’s Richest: The Forbes Billionaires List “is essentially an annual calculation of how much of the wealth created by the global economy is captured by a tiny caste of oligarchs rather than being used to benefit humanity as a whole.” [More]
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