Dialogue with an anti-abortion activist. Pence's bloviation continues. ALEC attacks unions
An anti-abortion activist asked to come on PDR, and I obliged. A spineless Pence got a pass on a Sunday news show. ALEC wants to penalize companies that recognize unions.
Politics Done Right
Topics covered on the show today.
CAN MINDS CHANGE? A candid dialog between a PROGRESSIVE ACTIVIST and an ANTI-ABORTION ACTIVIST: Jacinta Robin is the Director of the Intern Program at the Center for Bioethical Reform. She is a renowned anti-abortion speaker and a member of the State Board of Florida Right to Life. She resides in Jacksonville, Florida. [More]
Mike Pence gets a pass from Dana Bash on his & Trump’s Ukraine corruption and falsely blames Biden: Dana Bash gave Mike Pence too much time to bloviate, which allowed him many unanswered lies and misinformation. This Ukraine lie was blatant. [More]
CNN’s Dana Bash ridicules Mike Pence Remarkable your lack of concern, given they wanted to hang you: Dana Bash did not hide her incredulity at Mike Pence’s nonchalant acceptance of MAGA’s attempt to hang him as he defended Trump against the DOJ. [More]
ALEC Is Launching a New Attack on Unions: The proposed new policy ALEC’s economic development task force is expected to endorse essentially blacklists any employer that voluntarily recognizes a union from receiving state economic development incentives. [More]
These subjects are the topics of discussion on Politics Done Right today at 6:00 AM Central Time (7 AM Eastern/4 AM Pacific/5 AM Mountain) on KPFT 90.1 FM Houston and our streaming networks.
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