GOP to raise your taxes. REALLY! Romney calls his fellows almost treasonous & morons. Next Texas Lieutenant Governor?
GOP puts it in writing; they will raise your taxes. Romney calls Putin & white supremacist supporting Trump Republicans almost treasonous & morons. Mike Collier may be Texas' next Lieutenant Governor.
NO JOKE! Republicans to raise taxes on middle-class as Rick Scott channels Romney. Dems will win!
“I AM GOING TO WIN!” Mike Collier, the Democratic Candidate for Texas Lieutenant Governor, says.
Worthwhile reads.
actNow with Julianna Forlano guested Egberto Willies to discuss Texas trans bill & Gov Abbott
AT LAST! Mitt Romney confirms Trump & other Republicans supporting Putin are nearly treasonous
Hillary Clinton slams GOP: It’s for those in GOP left with common sense to do what’s right.
Those who are old enough to remember the 2000 election should remember how Republicans goaded Al Gore to run away from Bill Clinton because of his “women” issues. The thing is, Bill Clinton then was a hell of a campaigner and could have helped make the election a sure Gore win. Al Gore won the popular vote but like Trump, Bush won the Electoral College in a dubious fashion. Neither Al Gore nor Hillary Clinton attempted a coup for elections they legitimately won.
Why do I bring this up? Democrats continue to play into the false narrative Republicans use to define Democrats. Unanswered or wobbly-answered makes their lies and misinformation a reality for many. Republicans want Democrats to run away from their successful & popular policies like they made Al Gore run away from Bill Clinton.
Our messaging is simple. Biden cleaning up Trump’s Republican-enabled mess. While inflation is high mostly because of corporate greed, Americans have money in their pockets Republicans are intent on taking it away to pass it on to the rich. Their new 11 point platform says as much. Democrats will ensure you have more money in your pocket, healthcare, family leave, childcare, and more through the bills we have ready to pass. ALL Republicans and two Democrats are holding these bills hostage. Elect more Democrats for your pocketbook, your health, and your family’s well-being.Politics Done Right airs two days a week on KPFT 90.1 FM Houston, a Pacifica Network station (kpft.org) on Thursdays at Noon Central and on Fridays at 11:00 AM Central. We continue to stream “LIVE” daily on our internet networks at 3:00 PM Central at http://politicsdoneright.com/tv, Facebook Live, Youtube Live, Twitter, Twitch, among other streaming networks.
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NO JOKE! Republicans to raise taxes on middle-class as Rick Scott channels Romney. Dems will win!
While many consider it political malpractice, it is clear Republicans have a lot of disdain for the middle-class. Like Mitt Romney, Rick Scott spilled it.
Sean Hannity might make a valiant attempt to clean up what has got to be the most significant gift to Democrats in a long time. The thing is that Florida Senator Rick Scott codified it on paper and online. YES! Republicans want to raise taxes on millions of Americans struggling under the premise that all must have skin in the game.
When Rick Scott unleashed his 11-point Agenda on Americans, he showed that, like Mitt Romney and his 47% comment, they are so far removed from everyday Americans that they are clueless about their economic realities and tribulations.
As reported in WaPo’s The Fix
The 11-point plan calls for new taxes on tens of millions of Americans, by rekindling the same issue that led Mitt Romney to stumble into his “47 percent” gaffe.
“All Americans should pay some income tax to have skin in the game, even if a small amount,” the plan says. “Currently over half of Americans pay no income tax.”
The language of the plan itself effectively acknowledges it’s advocating for an income tax increase on “over half of Americans” — a group of people that is overwhelmingly lower-income. And in fact, the number of Americans to whom this would apply has climbed during the pandemic. …
The language of the plan itself effectively acknowledges it’s advocating for an income tax increase on “over half of Americans” — a group of people that is overwhelmingly lower-income. And in fact, the number of Americans to whom this would apply has climbed during the pandemic.
Former Obama consultant David Plouffe called out Scott’s political malpractice.
“It was epic political malpractice but it is what he and most Republicans today believe,” Plouffe said. “And I have learned that political arguments have to be believable. … This is believable that Republicans if they take over, would raise taxes on working people, and so what McConnell wants to do is play four corners to use a Kentucky basketball saying he likes his position and he wants to just have the Democrats basically be on trial and have it be a referendum.”
Plouffe then all but wrote the campaign narrative for all Democrats to follow.
“Democrats now have a pretty compelling argument on economic policy,” David Plouffe said. “They’ve stated Rick Scott said very clearly they’re going to raise taxes on almost every working American and every senior citizen on social security and shower the wealthiest people in corporations with big tax cuts, education plan banned books, stop teaching history because I don’t think our kids can handle the truth. Their foreign policy plan, for a lot of them anyway, is to basically snuggle up the Vladimir Putin and give the middle finger to our allies. Their health care plan is to make it harder and more expensive to get health care. There’s a lot you can do with it. So democratic candidates are going to have to take that fight to the voters.”
It is not a problematic narrative because it is truthful and accurate. Most importantly, it is codified for all to see. Because Rick Scott and his ilk are unaware that the working class pays taxes of every kind, including the taxes paid directly to corporations in the form of overpriced products and services they extort from us all. Democrats, spine up and lean in for a fight, and the win that should be much easier than the mainstream media will have you believe.
“I AM GOING TO WIN!” Mike Collier, the Democratic Candidate for Texas Lieutenant Governor, says.
Texas Democratic Lieutenant Governor Candidate Mike Collier did not disappoint. He pointed out why he is best for Texas.
Mike Collier was unequivocal, he intends to fight very hard to become the next Texas Lieutenant Governor. Collier recognizes that the Republican-led legislature was derelict with their duties to every Texan. The reality is that they were serving not their constituents but their benefactors. He intends to change all of that.
Collier understands that his plate is full. He has a large list that includes the following.
Mike will ensure that hospital closures in rural Texas closing or at risk of closing stay open. He said that is low-hanging fruit as Texas has left billions of dollars on the table my not accepting Medicaid Expansion that all Texans are already paying for now.
He intends to ensure schools are funded equitably.
Mike intends to get at the root of our crime rise and fix it.
Mike said he will ensure that the Legislature does what is necessary to fix the Texas Electrical Grid.
That is just a taste of the issues that Mr. Collier intends to hold by the bull horns and run with it. And this man knows his numbers.
Mike Collier is definitely not like your typical politician. is a “financial watchdog,” and has over two decades of experience as an auditor and an energy expert. Mike built a reputation for rigorous financial analysis, independent decision-making, and a commitment to telling the truth irrespective of consequences.
I reminded Mike that Democrats have not won statewide in a while. I pointed out that Democrats are generally not assertive in their campaigning. He was believably confident.
“I am going to hit them where there are hurting people,” Collier said. “I do believe I am going to win Egberto. Of course, I have a lot of work to do. But when I do you will see other statewide candidates say ‘OK, here is the formula that works.”
I believe him. And yes, I think he has the moxie to win. He can beat current Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick.
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actNow with Julianna Forlano guested yours truly to discuss Texas trans bill & Gov Abbott
Egberto Willies appeared on actNow with Julianna Forlano to discuss the Texas trans bill & Texas Governor Greg Abbott and more.
One would think that in a state with a failing Electric Grid, Governor Abbott and his cohort would spend time on issues that matter. Instead, the governor is displaying his inner evil by putting trans’ lives at risk. We discussed that on actNow with Julianna Forlano.
Gov. Greg Abbott told state health agencies in Texas on Tuesday that medical treatments provided to transgender adolescents, widely considered to be the standard of care in medicine, should be classified as “child abuse” under existing state law.
His statements, made in a letter to the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, followed an opinion on Friday by Attorney General Ken Paxton that said providing medical treatments like puberty-suppressing drugs and hormones to transgender teenagers should be investigated as child abuse.
Governor Abbott specified that the reporting requirements applied to “all licensed professionals who have direct contact with children who may be subject to such abuse, including doctors, nurses, and teachers, and provides criminal penalties for failure to report such child abuse.”
It is still unclear how and whether the orders, which do not change Texas law, would be enforced. While the state’s child welfare agency has said that it will investigate such claims, some county and district attorneys have stated that they will not enforce the opinion.
Republicans are making the necessary steps to speed up Texas’ transition to Blue. It cannot come fast enough.
AT LAST! Mitt Romney confirms Trump & other Republicans supporting Putin are nearly treasonous
Mitt Romney got real as he called Trump, his sycophants, and Republicans supporting Trump nearly treasonous and some morons.
Mitt Romney appeared on CNN’s State of the Union. Dana Bash asked him about Republicans who are palling around with white nationalists. He was not kind with his response.
“There’s no place in either political party for this white nationalism or racism,” Mitt Romney said. “It’s simply wrong. It’s as you’ve indicated, speaking of evil, it’s evil as well. And, you know, Marjorie Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar, I don’t know them, but I’m reminded of that old line from the Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid movie where one character says, morons, I’ve got morons on my team. And I have to think anybody that would sit down with white nationalists and speak at their conference was certainly missing a few IQ points.”
Romney could not help himself to a false equivalence as he claims that neither party should embrace white nationalism. Has anyone seen Democrats openly embracing white nationalism? I think not.
Romney did not spare Republicans who are currently supporting Putin.
“Those people are changing their stripes as they’re seeing the response of the world and the political response here in the U.S.,” Romney said. “But how anybody in this country which loves freedom can side with Vladimir Putin, which is an oppressor, a dictator. He kills people. He imprisons his political opponents. He has been an adversary of America at every chance he’s had. It’s unthinkable to be; it’s almost treasonous. … It’s it’s disgusting. And I’m hopeful that you’re seeing some of those people recognize just how wrong they were.”
Dana Bash wanted to make sure she heard correctly. She was, Romney did not take it back. In fact, he expanded on the “almost treasonous” statement.
“Well, I’ve said it’s nearly president treasonous,” Romney said. “Standing up for freedom is the right thing to do in America. Anything less than that, in my opinion, is unworthy of American support.”
Every so often, some of the Republicans get a partial spine. One hopes more will step up and kill Trumpism,
Hillary Clinton slams GOP: It’s for those in GOP left with common sense to do what’s right.
Hillary Clinton admonished the Republicans with common sense. She wants them to get into the game to save our democracy.
Joe Scarborough pointed out that many Republicans are praising Putin. In a recent post, I wrote,
It is deplorable that many Republicans, including Trump, are currently giving vocal support and admiration to Vladimir Putin for his invasion of a sovereign democratic country.
“This is genius,” Trump said in a conservative talk radio interview at his Mar-a-Lago resort, echoing his past praise of the Russian president. “Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful. He used the word ‘independent’ and ‘we’re going to go out and we’re going to go in and we’re going to help keep peace.’ You’ve got to say that’s pretty savvy.” …
Conservative commentator Candace Owens tweeted this week: “I suggest every American who wants to know what’s actually going on in Russia and Ukraine, read this transcript of Putin’s address. As I’ve said for month — NATO (under direction from the United States) is violating previous agreements and expanding eastward. WE are at fault.” …
“It may be worth asking yourself, since it is getting pretty serious: ‘What is this really about? Why do I hate Putin so much?’” Carlson said Tuesday. “‘Has Putin ever called me a racist? Has he threatened to get me fired for disagreleing with him?’” …
“I have enormous respect for him,” Pompeo said in a Feb. 18 call with the Center for the National Interest. “I’ve been criticized for saying that.” And he told Fox News: “He’s a very talented statesman. He has lots of gifts. He was a KGB agent, for goodness’ sakes. He knows how to use power. We should respect that.”
Now that Vladimir Putin has invaded Ukraine and people are dying, will these American traitors and Putin appeasers change their stance as the carnage and immorality come into full view?
Hillary first gave Republicans some history of rejecting interparty turmoil at our shores.
“Well, Joe, as you know so well, we had a bipartisan an agreement, a commitment starting after World War II with Harry Truman all the way until, you know,” Hillary Clinton said. “the Soviet Union collapsed, that we would stand with people who loved freedom like we do, that we would stand with the dissidents who were speaking out about human rights and against oppression and death at the hands of regimes that, you know, the Soviet Union both executed themselves and supported elsewhere. “
Clinton then admonished common sense Republicans.
“So this is heartbreaking, but it’s also dangerous,” said Hillary Clinton. “And I think it’s time for what’s left of the Republican Party that has any common sense, not just to say, okay, go help defend Ukraine against Putin, but to stand against those people in politics and government, in the media and elsewhere in our own country who are literally giving aid and comfort to an enemy of freedom and democracy. It can’t, it can’t continue because it plays right into the ambitions of not just Putin, but also President Xi of China. To undermine democracy, to literally divide and conquer the West without ever invading us, but by setting us against each other.”
Sensible Republicans, are you listening?
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