Gov. Sununu expands GOP hypocrisy. Spinning the Jobs Report as bad. NYTimes censoring journalists.
NH Gov. Chris Sununu proves that the Trump sycophancy continues. We must not allow a poor spinning of the Jobs Report. The New York Times seems to be censoring its journalists.
Politics Done Right
Topics covered on the show today.
EPIC! Stephanopoulos destroys an agitated flip-flopping Sununu for supporting Trump: NH Gov. Chris Sununu made a fool of himself as George Stephanopoulos questioned him about flip-flopping and supporting Donald Trump after calling out Trump for the insurrection and much more. [More]
Why do we allow a GREAT JOBS REPORT to be spun as a bad one? WATCH THIS, PLEASE!: The jobs report is excellent, and we must not allow it to be tarnished. The Right would have you believe that good is bad, up is down for their electoral purposes. [More]
LEAKED NYT GAZA MEMO TELLS JOURNALISTS TO AVOID WORDS “GENOCIDE,” “ETHNIC CLEANSING,” AND “OCCUPIED TERRITORY”: Amid the internal battle over the New York Times’s coverage of Israel’s war, top editors handed down a set of directives. [More]
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