Happy New Year! Here are some of our plans for 2023
Every New Year we try to move to the next level. So here are some of the things that we have planned for 2023.
As I wait for the New Year with my family in Texas, I am writing about the new things coming to our Program Politics Done Right, blogs, and this Egberto Off The Record newsletter. For starters, I want to thank all of our readers. I want to give a special thanks to our paid subscribers. You form a part of the PDR Posse that allows us to do our part to inform the masses so we can transform into a more egalitarian America.
So here are a few of the things we have planned for 2023.
This newsletter will outline the topics and essay for our Noon Central Politics Done Right program on KPFT 90.1 FM Houston every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning. If you are in the Houston Metropolitan area, you can listen to the program live on your radio dial 90.1 FM. If you are anywhere else, please listen to the audio at kpft.org or watch the program at politicsdoneright.tv. Call the program at (713)526-5738 if you have a comment or question live.
If you do not already know, the internet version of Politics Done Right is aired live on many streams every day at 3:00 PM Central. On select days we will take live calls as we do on the version broadcast over the air. You can watch the program live on Facebook LIVE at facebook.com/politicsdoneright, on YouTube Live at youtube.com/egbertowillies, on Twitter at youtube.com/egbertowillies, on Twitch at twitch.tv/ewillies, and on LinkedIn at linkedin.com/egbertowillies.
We will add a few monthly environmental programs to our KPFT 90.1 FM program. Bruce Pollard, a supporter, has volunteered to produce some of those programs.
We will bring more grassroots activists to our studios to help hone our message.
I plan on releasing at least two new books this year. I am almost complete with one that some of you have already read, well, the serialized chapters I currently have at Amazon.
The Politics Done Right podcast will now include all our shows and clips. The Egberto Off The Record podcast will consist of all of our books and premium specials.
There is so much more that we are working on, but it is best only to specify what is official.
We need more people to be engaged to create the America we say we want. In that light, will you use these closing days of the holiday season to gift someone you know who would benefit from the awareness and fact-based news and opinion we provide by clicking the button?
Would you consider donating one or more subscriptions to readers who would like to contribute but do not have the wherewithal to do so? You would be instrumental in allowing us to continue the mission and, of course, your generosity in donating a subscription.
Please consider getting one or more of our books. Everyone who has read them and sent me feedback has been very positive, often telling me they have provided them with a new perspective that even helped with their relationships with those who differ from them politically and ideologically.