Lousy jobs home to roost. Trust Centrists? Hell no! Woke Racism. Muslim Conservative female comedian!
Fareed Zakaria examines employment 'slavery.' No to a Centrist con. Eddie Glaude slams Woke Racism author John McWhorter for dishonesty. Mona Shaikh, a Conservative Muslim female comedian, speaks.
6th Personal Note
Zakaria: Employer disrespect & lousy jobs came home to roost. It’s good workers taking command.
Register: Ask Egberto Anything. It is Saturday, November 6, at 11:00 AM Central.
Stephanie Ruhle exposes the obscene legal tax theft by corporations and a complicit congressman.
Worthwhile Reads
Eddie Glaude slams ‘Woke Racism’ author for his misleading interview: I don’t know what you’re up to!
Mona Shaikh: A Conservative Muslim girl came to America & became a comedian with a purpose in LA.
6th Personal Note (Ashley Update)
I have been including updates about my daughter’s recent 2nd stroke three months before graduating from Med School. Talking about it is both for my sanity and to inform so many of my wonderful subscribers who have been following her well-being and asking for updates.
We now know Ashley’s stroke was probably in progress weeks before. It was touch and go for ten days. Subsequently, she spent 21 days in rehab to make her partially self-sufficient. She got out of the hospital a few days ago. I’ve been in DC with her aiding her through her recovery.
As many know, recovery can be depressing for many stroke victims, let alone one with a 2nd stroke in 20 months. My daughter has always been an excellent writer, and I hinted that she should write at Amazon’s Vella, which allows for episodic writing. The idea is that when the mind may go into pity, sorrow, and other dark places, why not redirect that energy to tell one’s story and use it as a learning and enlightening experience on oneself and others. This would keep her thinking about what else she wanted to talk about in her story and fill the time before her health hiatus from med school ends. It keeps her busy.
Ashley started doing it, and it has really helped her morale. Please visit her episodic story and give it a thumbs-up and a follow if you like it, and leave her a positively affirming review in the" Rating:” line in the link below if you are inclined to do that kind of thing. This dad wants to help guide her through these difficult times, enhancing her morale which still goes in and out. Please check it out here. And please share. It may help someone going through what she is going through—much appreciation.
Zakaria: Employer disrespect & lousy jobs came home to roost. It’s good workers taking command.
Fareed Zakaria points out that striking workers is a good thing. After all, the American employer treats its workers worst than all industrialized countries.
Once again, Fareed Zakaria provides the unfortunate truth. He first points out that Americans are leaving their jobs in record numbers.
"About four million workers have quit their jobs every month," Zakaria said. "It is a trend economists have called the great resignation. ... The scale of resignations this year is beyond anything on record. Many believe it echoes what we're seeing with the strikes."
And why are they quitting their jobs?
"Workers seem to be unhappy with long hours, low pay, and generally poor working conditions," Zakaria said. "And a record number of job openings gives them the freedom to demand more or walk away."
And here is the best explanation for the exodus and the complicity of corporate greed in America, something not very evident in other wealthy countries.
"As the MIT professor David Autor recently wrote in the Times, the US economy has long been plagued by a glut of bad jobs," Zakaria said. "Take a look at pay low skilled; American workers are some of the lowest paid in the industrialized world. They make almost one-third less per hour than their counterparts in Canada. Low-skilled Norwegian workers are paid more than twice as much. But pay isn't the only problem. MIT's auto writes: American workers also receive less notice and severance when they're fired compared to workers in other wealthy countries. They take less vacation unlike their peers in most other rich countries> They don't have guaranteed paid parental leave."
Workers now have the upper hand.
"Autor says that the labor shortages we're seeing the record job openings alongside record resignation are a market phenomenon that compels companies to improve on some of these policies to attract workers," Zakaria points out. "We've already seen this in terms of pay average hourly earnings for workers have risen by more than a dollar in the past year."
And guess what? This reality is good for the economy. It leaves space for the entrepreneurial spirit and compels a more equitable distribution of both income and wealth.
Register: Ask Egberto Anything
Ask me anything. And I mean anything. Do you have suggestions or advice? Let’s do it on the first Saturdays of every month at 11:00 AM Central/Noon Eastern/9 AM Pacific.
Here is the Zoom registration for the next one. Please be sure to use the email address you used here.’
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When: Saturday October 2nd, 2021 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Stephanie Ruhle exposes the obscene legal tax theft by corporations and a complicit congressman.
Rep. Josh Gottheimer plays coy with Stephanie Ruhle. He wants the bipartisan infrastructure bill passed before reconciliation stalled for not taxing the rich. Hell no.
I do not know who Josh Gottheim thinks he is fooling. The reason these Democrats-In-Name-Only (DINO) are trying to get the bipartisan infrastructure bill passed is that they intend to screw the American people. Progressives are the only backstop to save them from those carrying water for the rich.
Stephanie Ruhle addressed an inconvenient truth that we must expose over and over. The Right, as well as DINOs, tell a misleading truth. You cannot tax the income of the wealthy enough to get any real money. What they don't tell you is that it is only because of how they paid politicians to define taxable income.
Ruhle points out that simply forcing corporations to pay a minimum of 15% and taxing the billionaire and some millionaires would raise $500 Trillion from just 200 corporations and 1000 people. That is how extremely rich and parasitic the wealthy are.
The Congressman just wants to get the infrastructure bill voted on. I wonder why? Because he and other DINOs have no problem dragging out the human infrastructure bill forever until absolutely nothing is accomplished. These guys are just the prostitutes of the rich. We must vote them all out.
Worthwhile Reads
My books and your subscriptions allow us to keep telling the progressive narrative in a form the mainstream media cannot because they are funded by those they must somewhat appease. To affect change, people must be respected and informed truthfully & civilly.
All of my books now have AudioBook versions. I just completed “As I See It,” the last one needing conversion. Purchase all three as a bundle or singly here.
Special Book Deal
Cut out the middleman. Purchase the above three books at once for a 25% discount on our website as part of our series "Our Politics Made Easy & Ready For Action." You get the following.
As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom (Paperback)
It’s Worth It: How to Talk To Your Right-Wing Relatives, Friends, and Neighbors (Paperback)
How to make America Utopia: Take away the economy from those who rigged it (Paperback)
I sign all copies of the books
We include a Politics Done Right Bumper sticker.
Get the deal here. If you prefer to purchase at Amazon, they sell the same series here.
Eddie Glaude slams ‘Woke Racism’ author for his misleading interview: I don’t know what you’re up to!
John McWhorter, author of Woke Racism: How a New Religion Has Betrayed Black America, appeared on Morning Joe to discuss his new book. He evidently characterized his book differently than the actual content. Dr. Eddie Glaude did not allow the author to get away with it. He called him out in real-time.
"The book does not like what you are talking about," Glaude challenged McWhorter. "There is a sentence at the end of Chapter 1 where you say they are coming after your kids. You know how that sentence lands at this moment. There is a throwaway line in the book where you say some of us are talking about why are you focusing on this when we can focus on January 6 and the insurrectionists. You call it a debate thing faint."
Glaude reminded the author about the legislatures across the country disenfranchising people of color. He also called out the author for calling the fight against racism institutionalized as he gave a pass to the insurrectionists purportedly because they are not. Yet, the legislatures are doing all the work the insurrectionists are being treasonous about.
The best line that captures the fraud, the prostitute-in-black-face to the Right more dangerous than Candace Owen is a classic.
"I don't know what you are up to," Glaude admonished the author. "I don't understand the political work of this book in this moment."
Mona Shaikh: A Conservative Muslim girl came to America & became a comedian with a purpose in LA.
This Conservative Muslim reared woman, Mona Shaikh, came to America, became a comedian, and is making a difference.
This was one of my most enjoyable interviews. Mona Shaikh is electric. Her comedy is intelligent. She sees beyond the stereotypes and is able to give context. She knows how to make fun of the supremely silly yet without leaving the aggriever completely demoralized. That lends itself to great comedy that all can enjoy. Most importantly, it is comedy that can teach subliminally.
Mona combines a South Asian sensibility with strong Americanized values cherishing the First Amendment—the right to bear witness with a big freedom-loving mouth that raises eyebrows and temperatures. She has a hell of an offbeat sense of humor. Shaikh is a non-uptight tightrope walker who commits serious oralgami, unfolding the spoken word while striving to maintain equilibrium whilst dealing with harsh and conflicting forces.
Shaikh spent half of her life in a prominent conservative Muslim household in Pakistan. When she came to America she immersed herself in America’s entertainment and culture. She knew she was set out to break boundaries.
Today Mona resides in Los Angeles, Calif., pursuing her career as a comedian and actor while developing her upcoming One-Hour Special and Comedy TV series. She also made history by becoming the first Pakistani female Comedian to headline Hollywood Improv.
Mona was most recently featured in LA Times, Forbes, LA Weekly, NBC, The Progressive, and Huffington Post. Mona has headlined in Dubai, Portugal, and London. She also emceed the Women’s March in SF in 2019 thus making history to be the first South Asian/Middle Eastern female comedian to perform for a crowd of 60K. She recently appeared on The Rookie on ABC as Donna Abbasi and will also be on Apple TV’s Helpsters as Reina Rafter. She again made history by producing her own show at The World Famous Comedy Store in Los Angeles called Minority Reportz with a launch of sold-out shows.
Mona is intent on making a difference by supporting worthwhile causes. On Thursday, October 28th, 2021 from 6 pm-11 pm, her Minority Reportz presents “No Laughing Matter: Comedy Benefit for Afghanistan Resettled Refugees” at Caspian Restaurant in Irvine.
The Taliban came to put burkas on Afghan women to silence their voices, so Minority Reportz decided to give a platform to the only Afghan female comedian along with other Middle Eastern & South Asian comics to make fun of the 72 desperate virgins known as the Taliban to raise funds for the great American-helping Afghans resettling in the US. Comedians have featured on Comedy Central, Apple TV+, and Hulu.
For one night only, the show will feature a unique & distinctive lineup that represent the diaspora. This night features an exclusive evening filled with hilarious comedy followed by a Move over Hollywood, Here comes Bollywood After Party by DJ Kush.
Please listen to the entire interview.
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