Merry Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukah, or Holidays
We made it to another December 25th without the collapse of the nation from those who continue their mission.
Please enjoy your family, friends, and relatives as we celebrate whatever we celebrate during these holidays. Decompress and free your mind of all negative thoughts. I intend to do that today as I celebrate our standard humongous multicultural meal.
I, along with my family, extended family, and friends, will be driving to a family member’s home to have Panamanian food, Soul Food, Caribbean food, Italian Food, French food, and our venerable American food. While I know the discussions will get very political as our extended family covers the spectrum of ideologies, we always have fun as we have learned how to respect each other because we genuinely love each other.
I will never stop promoting policies proving that provably serve us all, even though some of my family and friends don’t quite yet buy into it. But because of mutual respect, they continue to listen and support.
The thought that I want to leave with you today is something I feel within the depths of my being. Most people, and I mean the vast majority of people, are good and well-meaning. Unfortunately, we are populated with a few psychopaths who know how to take advantage of false fears and false histories. We must confront them at every turn, even as we continue to care for and engage those who have taken the bait. Not all of us can or need to extend that hand that will be slapped repeatedly. But for those who are willing to do so, please support them. It is my goal as we advance to engage perpetually. It is the reason I wrote “It’s Worth It: How to Talk To Your Right-Wing Relatives, Friends, and Neighbors” as a part of the series “Our Politics Made Easy & Ready For Action.”
Again, enjoy the day. Enjoy the rest of the Holidays. Refresh yourself. Recalibrate. We have a challenging year ahead. Let’s take on this as we support those making a difference. Now I am off to dinner; it’s an hour+ drive.
Happy Holidays
While this is the time to spend with family and friends as we celebrate our personal spiritual or non-spiritual beings, you found enough time to read about important political issues. We need more people to be engaged to create the America we say we want. In that light, will you use this holiday to gift someone you know who would benefit from the awareness and fact-based news and opinion we provide by clicking the button?
Would you consider donating one or more subscriptions to readers who would like to contribute but do not have the wherewithal to do so? You would be instrumental in allowing us to continue the mission and, of course, your generosity in donating a subscription.
Please consider getting one or more of our books. Everyone who has read them and sent me feedback has been very positive, often telling me they have provided them with a new perspective that even helped with their relationships with those who differ from them politically and ideologically.