My lived experience, coupled with empathy, makes me 90%+ of America. Let's get the job done together.
Too often, because of an involuntary lack of empathy and a lived experience distinct from too many, we do not act & vote in the interest of "we." I am for meeting folks where they are and growing.
Thank you to all who watch, listen to, read, and share our newsletters, programs, podcasts, videos, and books. More importantly, thanks to those who additionally support our online and on-air programs financially in many different forms.
As we are on the cusp of a New Year, I am doing what I do every year: pondering how to modify our actions to foster necessary political, social, and economic change more effectively.
I have had many successes and many misfortunes in my life, more so than many. And that lived experience, along with the empathy I was blessed to be born with, has given me clairvoyance.
A wife with Lupus virtually from the birth of my daughter to the present and a daughter who has had two life-threatening/life-changing strokes in her third and fourth year of medical school has made me aware of a healthcare system that fails most people at some point in their lives. Worse, these events prove that one can seldom prepare financially for the eventualities of major illnesses.
Having created several profitable companies does not insulate one from the whims of corporate greed and unfairness. I’ve detailed many of my experiences in several blogs and books.
Sadly, even some activist spaces, where one expects a certain level of idealism to accomplish a mission, can be infiltrated by those who flourish from the chaos of the masses.
Lived experiences and empathy give one the necessary ability to communicate and to be a part of generating tangible beneficial change. A daughter whose mother is in a nursing home used the knowledge and encouragement she got partly from our program to ensure Medicare Advantage did its part. A Right-Wing caller who promised that he would never contribute to our program gave our on-air station one of the largest donations in our name after he learned from our show the perils of Medicare Advantage. A right-wing Obamacare-hating mother who could not be more grateful to us for letting her know that Obamacare gave her son the healthcare she did not know he could get. A businessman who made a 180-degree change in his stance on immigration after engaging with us.
I could go on and on from the emails and texts with changed minds and a better understanding of our economic, social, and political systems. But the bottom line is we collectively are making a difference.
Many of you contribute to parties, politicians, and causes out of the sense of responsibility to make change and just out of the goodness of your hearts. Many of those contributions are paid to high-priced consultants who do not have a clue as to what ails middle-class, working-class, and poor America. This small media company does. Why? Lived experiences and empathy. More importantly, we aim to reach everyone irrespective of party and ideology, as anyone in our daily chats and calls can attest to. An America that works for all of us is one in which we respect all of us.
Our newsletter is free. But you can help us do more at a fraction of the cost that parties & politicians ask you to support. Less than 1% of the subscribers to this newsletter are paid subscribers. Our goal is to get 10%. Why? We need a part-time copyeditor, part-time video editor, part-time podcast editor, and part-time social media manager to enable me to do more. Wearing all of those hats limits so much more that could be accomplished.
When you become a paid subscriber to our newsletter (less than a cup of coffee a month), you get full access to read my 5 books and all books I subsequently write (I’m working on 3 more for 2024). More importantly, you are supporting so much more than a newsletter. You are supporting every platform where we are seeding the internet with truthful progressive information to counteract the paid lies of the Right.
Please become a paid subscriber to our newsletter today. Your support will make a huge difference in making our country more informed, one that will vote in all of our interests.
What some of our supporters are saying.
Norman Solomon, founder, Journalist, Activist, Author
Richard Wolff, Professor/Economist
Cheryl Contee, CEO at Impact Seat Foundation
Alex Lawson, Executive Director of Social Security Works
Mark Thompson, Radio Host, Civil Rights Activist