Our Call to Action: A Fourth of July Declaration for Today's America
A renewed commitment to progressive values this Fourth of July is essential. Today's political climate draws historical parallels. Let's ensure America remains true to its founding principles.
This morning, the 4th of July, I woke up with angst but a positive spirit. I wanted to remind all of us of who we are. In that light, I created the following video built on a few pages of a book I wrote a few years ago when we were going through a similar period, though not this dangerous. Please take the time to watch the entire video or podcast.
A renewed commitment to progressive values this Fourth of July is essential. Today's political climate draws historical parallels. Let's ensure America remains true to its founding principles.
Reflection on Current Challenges: I reflect on the heightened anxiety I feel today, which is similar to what I experienced in the early 2000s. I emphasize the need for the progressive movement to defend equality, justice, and opportunity against our current threats.
Historical Parallels: I draw parallels between today's political climate and past administrations, particularly the early 2000s and the Reagan era. I highlight how Reagan's policies initiated a long-term decline and recall the oppressive atmosphere of the early 2000s.
America's Crossroads: I stress that America is at a critical juncture. We must choose between continuing a path of increasing inequality and eroding democratic values or embracing a future that champions justice and equity.
Personal Perspective: My history as a Panamanian-American educated in the Canal Zone offers a unique viewpoint on American values and the nation's global image. I emphasize the strength we derive from our diversity and innovation.
Call to Action: I call for a renewed commitment to progressive values and collective action to fight against divisive and authoritarian forces, ensuring America remains true to its founding principles of freedom and justice.
I want to hear from you. Please comment and let me know your thoughts. We will win this.
Absolutely brother Egberto! Justice for All is every bit within our reach as is the growing menace of billionaire-driven Fascism. Independence Day is both the time to celebrate our progress toward universal human rights and to redouble our work for a TRUE INDEPENDENCE DAY. Radical hope, laser-focused strategy.
Thank you Egberto and Happy Independence Day to you. Your description of how the U.S. was once the shining goal of people throughout the world resonates with me. Being a few years older than you, my school years were in the 1950s-1960s, and I vividly remember that our teachers taught that the USA was the greatest place on earth. Our parents, who had fought for freedom in WWII, echoed that same message. It angers me when a tangerine con artist insurrectionist forms a misinformed cult and lies that America is a “shithole country.”
It is disturbing that so many people are too stupid to see what Trump is doing and how he is trying to become a dictator like his idols in Russia, North Korea, and China. What was once a joke is now becoming true: a definition of stupidity is not knowing that one is stupid.
Also disturbing are Trump’s ridiculous fear mongering statements about immigrants. Immigrants are an important part of this country. If all four of my grandparents had not come here as immigrants, I would not be here today. If not for certain immigrants who caught the ear of FDR, this country would probably be speaking German today.
Trump’s cult is not the majority. But election turnout in this country is abysmal. If the majority can be motivated to vote in November, Trump, his downballot enablers, and his extremely dangerous Project 2025 can be crushed.