Political Activist/Organizer discusses why our society is at a dangerous tipping point.
Political Activist/Organize/Former Presidential Candidate David Cobb visited Politics Done Right, where he highlighted the great perils we are currently facing with our political system.
David Cobb had a prescient message that most in the activist world, whether Progressive or not, have concluded. Cobb has been ahead of the curve on these issues for several decades, and much of what he discussed then is coming to pass.
David and I, along with several other activists, founded Move To Amend, where we worked on the 28th Amendment to the Constitution in an attempt to codify that money is not speech and that corporations are not persons. Our organization brought that fight that continues in an organized manner which garnered dozens of congresspeople’s signatures in support. We saw then what is being realized now as corporate control continues its necessary march to fascism, given that democracy is anathema to their current structure. It was in that light that we created the documentary “Legalize Democracy.”
During this interview, David Cobb points out that we are at a pivotal time in our history. The following snippet from our conversation is telling.
"The entire political economy is being restructured," David Cobb said. "It's being restructured in this at the same level as the 1930s when the entire economy of the entire global North transitioned from an agrarian society to an industrial one. It's an ecological crisis. It's an economic crisis. And it's also a political crisis. And the political crisis is because the current system cannot handle and accommodate everything that's happening and can't do what it's designed to do. Fascism is emerging now because the political system can't do what it's designed to do, which is merely to maintain order. We're in the early stages of systems collapse. There are some things that just can't be accommodated in the same space. And that's why fascism is rising."
The full interview is very enlightening and hopeful. It is true that we are at a tipping point, and no particular outcome is guaranteed. What is sure is that a good outcome is only possible if we are educated, not indoctrinated, on who runs our country and how they have codified anti-democratic structures that live on.
David continues his tireless work to affect positive democratic change. He is one of the key organizers of the Decolonizing Economics Summit on April 20-22. It is an online event where all can learn in a friendly and cooperative environment.
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