Welcome to Politics Done Right. I am your host, Egberto Willis. This is a progressive program that will take the mystery out of politics. This is the program that will encourage you to make sure government becomes we the people. Whether you are liberal, progressive, conservative, or otherwise, you get to hear your point of view.
We are an independent media outlet that, unlike mainstream media beholden to corporations, We only owe allegiance to you. Remember, you can also send me a tweet at E-G-B-E-R-T-O-W-I-L-L-I-E-S. That is at Egberto Willis. Let us engage. It is politics done right. Well, folks, welcome to one more edition of Politics and Run. I'm Iberto Ulysse, your host.
Thank you so kindly for being a part of the show. We are going to have a great show for you today. How are my peeps doing? Let me get to that screen and see how my personaje. How are my people doing? Great, great. A lot of folks in the chat already.

Red State Trump voters panicking over Medicaid cuts. Stop Democratic Senators from caving!

Everyone needs to call their democratic Senator right now to stop Republican funding disaster. REALLY! Red State Trump voters are panicking over Medicaid cuts- they want Republicans to cross the aisle

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  • REALLY! Red State Trump voters panicking over Medicaid cuts–want Republicans to cross the aisle: Red State MAGA-Trump-voting Republicans are realizing that he is about to screw them. Cross the aisle, said one of them! [More]

  • ‘Everyone Needs to Call Their Dem Senator Right Now’ to Stop Republican Funding Disaster: “There is a very serious danger that Senate Democrats are on the verge of folding,” said the leader of one progressive advocacy group. [More]