Texas hairstylist takes on the Abortion Abolition Movement. Capitalism meets Uber, Lyft, and others.
Texas hairstylist Adrienne Quinn Martin is intent on exposing and eradicating the Abortion Abolition Movement. Uber, Lyft, and similar companies expose the underbelly of a nasty form of capitalism.
Politics Done Right
Topics covered on the show today.
Adrienne Quinn Martin, A Rural Texas hairstylist, is taking on the Abortion Abolition Movement: Meet Adrienne Quinn Martin, a rural Texas hairstylist taking on the Abortion Abolition Movement. Learn how she is fighting for reproductive rights and equality in Texas. [More]
Wall Street Greed, Not Worker Pay, Is Making Your Uber Ride More Expensive: Falsely claiming that wage protections will drive up fares seems to be a tactic rideshare corporations use to pit drivers against passengers and obscure a massive transfer of wealth. [More]
In 'Major Victory for Voting Rights,' Texas Court Overturns Crystal Mason's Conviction: "I was thrown into this fight for voting rights and will keep swinging to ensure no one else has to face what I've endured for over six years," Mason said following her acquittal. [More]
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