We Are Making A Difference. Your Support Is For Much More Than A Newsletter.
These are difficult tumultuous times. It is a time that demands unapologetic engagement. It is hard for many. But that's OK. We are committed to the job for those who can or those who cannot!
Firstly, our platform is not solely a newsletter. It is a multimedia platform available on air, online, print, and in person. In the past, newspaper articles and traditional media were used to inform us. The message was more controlled, and life seemed more orderly, even as freedom was lacking, as all were controlled by a few, a patriarchy.
We are now much freer. But with this freedom came dangers. Information has always been manipulated. However, with the different avenues under which information is disseminated, it is hard to consistently deliver a consistent, accurate, and structured message to the masses. It is no longer linear. We must hit all the platforms that feed the masses and other platforms.
And that is the framework we built on the inexpensive that is replicable with myriad tools available. Our progressive messages, articles, blogs, broadcasts, podcasts, memes, etc., appear on every platform multiple times daily. We fill these spaces to ensure the monied interests and those with a negative agenda are not left unanswered.
To see how every major platform is tied to our messaging, visit my links page and click every icon. These platforms are populated manually and with automation seven days a week.
As I do this work, I see results even on a small scale. But as we replicate the model, droplets become streams and then rivers. My heart is always warmed as I watch or listen to some folks on different parts of the ideological spectrum who listen to my programs and read my articles transition from belligerent to curious to, at times, agreement. Many times, this occurs on air in real-time.
This work is hard and time-consuming but very rewarding because there must be a light that we get closer to day by day, month by month, and year by year. There will be setbacks, but as many wiser have said, the arc of history bends toward justice.
I know many of you are tired of the constant asks from politicians, NGOs, and other organizations. We are different. We don’t have high-paid consultants and unnecessary expenditures. You can see the volume of information we put out for our cause.
We are way behind with paid subscriptions to this newsletter, equivalent to a cup of coffee. Your paid subscription supports the newsletter, the entire media, and the progressive message delivery platform. We give tangible incentives for your support.
Firstly, our paid subscribers get access to all five of my books and all subsequent books online. Additionally, the platform is yours. If you visit a few of our sites, you can find articles, interviews, and much more from our PDR Posse—the affectionate name of the supporters in whatever form of our platform.
What a few paid subscribers are saying.
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