When Trump loved Medicare for All. Tim Scott going all fascist. A few reality checks!
Trump admitted that Medicare for All is better. Tim Scott is willing to go all fascists for Trump. Who is the most significant danger to your kids? A Jewish professor tells the inconvenient truth.
I finally completed the voice-over for my latest book, “Tribulations of an Afro-Latino Caribbean Man: Racism Didn't Stop My Smile, Hope, Or Journey Forward.” The next ten paid subscribers to this newsletter will get a promo code to receive the audiobook free. All five of my books now have their corresponding audiobooks.
Politics Done Right
Topics covered on the show today.
Tim Scott went all fascist on Meet The Press, making it clear he would only accept a Trump win: Tim Scott, true to sycophancy form, refuses to say he would accept an election that Trump lost. It shows that fascism is the modus operandi of the Republican Party. [More]
Remember when Trump said a foreign country's Medicare for All is better than our healthcare system?: Donald Trump accidentally told the truth in 2017 when he pointed out that Australia, a country with a Medicare For All healthcare system, is much better than ours. [More]
Christian Politicians & religious figures: The data says it is you who are a danger to our children: Evangelical Christian politicians & religious leaders are the ones that we should fear being around our children. They have a higher proclivity to harm children. [More]
Jewish Professor at Columbia University calls out the media, intimidation & antisemitism overblown: Columbia University Professor blows up the news media's attempt to frame the Gaza Ceasefire student protests as one filled with intimidation and antisemitism. [More]
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Our Recent Articles and Blogs
Tracie McMillan discussed her very probing book, THE WHITE BONUS.
Tracie McMillan (@TMMcMillan) is a renowned investigative journalist who has been reporting on the multiracial American working class for more than two decades. McMillan’s new book is THE WHITE BONUS.
AT LAST! Journalists defend student protesters on the merits. They’re on the right side of history!
Clearly, #MorningJoe had not intended to defend the student protesters. Unfortunately, Mara Gay (@MaraGay) and Anand Giridharadas (@AnandWrites) didn’t get the me
Washington GOP: We do not want to be a democracy — bad idea!
Many claim that Democrats and Progressives are exaggerating when they claim a Trump/Republican win puts democracy in danger. Guess what? They admit it!
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