Zakaria probes journalist on Biden's approval. AOC makes it clear Centrists hurt Biden. The gold-credit-wage fraud.
We live in a time of smoke and mirrors. From Biden's poll numbers, to a derelict media, to Centrists crippling Biden's agenda then blaming Progressives, it's not hard to see why American are confused.
Why Biden’s popularity is a direct result of bad journalism: Zakaria asked the right question.
Worthwhile Reads
AOC justifiably slights Joe Manchin and Moderates as responsible for Biden’s drop in the polls.
Register: Ask Egberto Anything. It is Saturday, February 5th, at 11:00 AM Central.
Dollar, Gold, & Credit fraud on Americans exposed with this listener’s question
How to flip the ‘Nancy Pelosi San Francisco trope’ on Right-Wingers against progressive policies
To many, it is depressing to be a Progressive now. If one watches the news, the doom and gloom have reached epic proportions. I want you to disregard all of the negativity. There is a lot of time for us to get our message and the truth out. Remember every single person reading this has their own sphere of influence. I use my newsletters, blogs, radio/media programs, and books to inform, deprogram where necessary, and correct the misinformation.
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Why Biden’s popularity is a direct result of bad journalism: Zakaria asked the right question.
CNN's Fareed Zakaria pointed out that many of Joe Biden's successes should have elicited good poll numbers. Journalist Amy Walter's response was lacking in that it failed to point out the media's dereliction of duty.
Fareed Zakaria asked the right question.
"Biden is a genial guy," Fareed Zakaria said. "He's pretty mainstream, and he has passed two very large pieces of legislation and a trillion-dollar infrastructure bill. We've been waiting for 20-odd-years for this. The COVID relief Bill and when you poll most of the key aspects of those bills, they're pretty popular. So to me, at least this does present something of a puzzle?"
Journalist Amy Walter, Publisher & Editor-in-Chief of Cook Political Report with Amy Walter, responded as if the mainstream media exist in an observation bubble.
"I think you have to go into the mindset now for just a traditional regular voter who is somebody who's not spending a whole lot of time following politics, thinking about politics," Amy Walter said. "They pretty much have a low opinion anyway of Washington and people who work in Washington. What they're looking for is what's going on right now in my own life and how are people whose job it is to be public servants, how are they making it better or worse."
Amy failed to note that it is their job to ensure that busy and preoccupied Americans have accurate information. The negative thoughts about politics are directly proportional to the mainstream media's dereliction of duty and the Right-Wing media's concerted effort to lie to Americans.
If the media reported accurately, there are many absolute truths that Americans would know.
The supply chain problem is the fault of corporate greed, the private sector. After all, they instituted just-in-time-inventory (JITI) which means that shipping or pandemic disruptions immediately cause local shortages.
The corporatocracy in their shortsightedness and greed decided to manufacture overseas with little possibility of ramping up quickly in the U.S. when it becomes necessary. They offshored jobs as they reduced the income of Americans.
Corporate greed along with their purchased politicians have not released their patents to allow manufacture of vaccines at scale to save lives. This prolongs the pandemic and allows the possibility of deadly COVID mutants.
It is ironic how those most responsible for America's problems continue to use their platform to mislead. Joe Biden is not perfect. But those who attack him in the media and politicians are the actual culprits. They are the ones that prevent progress.
Please listen to the entire video and let me know what you think.
Worthwhile Reads (Make great holiday gifts as you help our cause)
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How to make America Utopia: Take away the economy from those who rigged it (Paperback)
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AOC justifiably slights Joe Manchin and Moderates as responsible for Biden’s drop in the polls.
AOC got most of it correct. Moderates handcuffing Biden from giving America their wants hurt. But so does a derelict media.
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) appeared on MSNBC with the host Mehdi Hasan on the 11th Hour to discuss MidTerm 2022. As usual, she did not disappoint. And her statements should lay to rest that Biden has moved too far to the left. She correctly places blame at the hands of Moderate and Conservative Democrats for his poll number fall. Her response about the statements to that effect by the failed moderates is prescient.
"What they don't want to admit is that Biden has governed pretty much exactly the way they have asked him to," Ocasio-Cortez said. "But the problem is that the way they have asked him to govern has been to slow down, not do too much, and we are now seeing the political consequences of not directly improving people's lives quickly."
AOC then points out an inconvenient truth.
"Here's the thing," Ocasio-Cortez said. "I can't point to one major agenda where Progressives or this so-called Left sidelined the action of the party in some dramatic fashion that can lead to this. I mean, the moderate end of the party has received everything that they have wanted from President Biden, including President Biden as the nominee himself. They got their President. They got their agenda. They got their sequence; they got their infrastructure plan with no BBB. They got all of it, and I can't really point to any real substantive or serious or intellectually rigorous argument as to anything that the Progressive Wing has done aside from supporting President Biden oftentimes more than the Moderate wing of the party has in a way that could lead to sinking poll numbers."
The Congresswoman then points out a few things Biden could do to improve his poll numbers. This would make a much improves 2022.
"When you don't change people's lives, people get upset," the Congresswoman said. "And we can improve people's lives. We can forgive student loan debt, and we can improve his poll numbers while we're at it."
It is painful to know what Americans are asking for, having the ability to solve these problems while remaining impotent to an elitist group of politicians. ALL who have not supported Build Back Better are wards of the Plutocracy, Oligarchy, and Corporatocracy.
I think Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez got everything correct. But I think she missed the complicity of the mainstream media and the Right-Wing Media in concert with the Plutocracy to misinform with either lies or omissions.
Please listen to the entire video and let me know what you think.
Register: Ask Egberto Anything
Ask me anything. And I mean anything. Do you have suggestions or advice? Let’s do it on the first Saturdays of every month at 11:00 AM Central/Noon Eastern/9 AM Pacific.
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When: Saturday February 5th, 2022 11:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)
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Dollar, Gold, & Credit fraud on Americans exposed with this listener’s question
Republicans & Democrats who hid behind a political mythical center get away with objecting to progressive policies because of our economic ignorance.
Economics is straightforward. I will make a very controversial statement, but reality and history prove it correct. The complexity in our economic system is solely to make a dollar for freeloaders. In other words, create income for some who do not provide a necessary product or service. I know that is a general statement as we do need some financial folks but not an industry that produces nothing.
One of my listeners attempted to equate government debt with personal debt. He wants the government to treat their "checking account" like families must. He believes deficit spending is detrimental all of the time. That is what the creators of our economic system taught us. The thing is, reality says otherwise. Most importantly, the math does as well.
The purpose of this post is not to go over macroeconomics but to dispel a fallacy. We will have other articles that delve deeper into the math.
Here are a few concepts we should start dispelling.
Deficits are always bad. A few years back Dick Cheney said deficits did not matter. Reality proves what most of us already knew. We have had massive deficits for decades without any substantial inflation.
Deficits do not mortgage anyone's future. In fact, this debt in reality never needs to be paid back.
There is nothing inherently valuable with gold and as such those selling gold for some doomsday are ripping people off. If an economic system fails what is its intrinsic value. One can eat corn, wheat, and fruits, not gold.
Please listen to the entire video and let me know what you think.
How to flip the ‘Nancy Pelosi San Francisco trope’ on Right-Wingers against progressive policies
A conservative user attempted to float the standard Nancy Pelosi 'San Francisco in decline' trip. We had an honest answer.
It is easy to make Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi and Progressives the parties responsible for the ills in San Francisco. The city is blue, expansive, and prohibitively expensive/
Conservative politicians love to knock Nancy Pelosi and Progressives, claiming that the policies we support do not work. Of course, they are entirely wrong. The success of the American Rescue Plan proves precisely the opposite as it pulled millions out of poverty and was responsible for the fastest recovery out of a near-depression than ever before.
A Politics Done Right commenter attempted to use Nancy Pelosi as a proxy again to attack Progressives. Unfortunately, as the video clip in this post shows, he was not very successful. You see, I used his attack to civilly point out that first of all, the commie trope does not fit Pelosi, because similarly to our President, she professes her unabashed commitment to capitalism.
I further point out that San Francisco is a city that strives on capitalism on steroids. The area is home to high-tech billionaires and corporations. The large population of homeless people is no more than the byproduct of the economic system. The system inherently makes waste of those unable or unwilling to navigate it as it inhumanely extracts under the tenet, 'Whatever the market will bear.'
If adopted, Nancy Pelosi's progressive policies would alleviate the homeless problem in San Francisco. But one should realize that as she fights for the everyday person, her support for our current economic system will always fight against her and her constituents' primary interests.
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