America ranks last in healthcare among industrialized countries. We should be ashamed that the richest country in the world is this bad at keeping its citizens healthy.
Presidential candidate Kamala Harris previously supported universal care, aka Medicare for All. Now? Silence, a betrayal of families across America.
On the Republican side it's even worse. Trump wants to destroy the crappy coverage we have now. Not a single Republican lawmaker is on board with universal healthcare. Not one. Peer-reviewed studies reveal that over 36,000 deaths a year stem from lack of universal care. This death toll amounts to a 9/11 catastrophe striking our nation this month, next month, every month. As you read this, a hundred more body bags pile up every day -- strictly from our elected officials failure to act.
The Congressional Budget Office calculates that a public system like Medicare for All could essentially give your family an average $5,000 cash bonus every year — net cash saving, compared with what your household spends on healthcare today. That’s while fully covering you and your family for all needed healthcare. The CBO followed up with a second study, driving home the point:
Act now. The life you save could be your own. Or that of someone you love.
Thanks for this excellent summary of the US self-made healthcare crisis. The enabling universal-care legislation languishes on the desk of every US Rep (HR 3421, over a hundred co-sponsors) and Senator (S.1655, over a dozen co-sponsors). Politicians and the media respond with deafening silence.
Presidential candidate Kamala Harris previously supported universal care, aka Medicare for All. Now? Silence, a betrayal of families across America.
On the Republican side it's even worse. Trump wants to destroy the crappy coverage we have now. Not a single Republican lawmaker is on board with universal healthcare. Not one. Peer-reviewed studies reveal that over 36,000 deaths a year stem from lack of universal care. This death toll amounts to a 9/11 catastrophe striking our nation this month, next month, every month. As you read this, a hundred more body bags pile up every day -- strictly from our elected officials failure to act.
They know it. Eyes wide open. They are absolutely willing to sacrifice you and your loved ones to their own political expedience. A term for this intentional neglect is stochastic homicide: they don't know exactly which of their constituents will die as a result, only that some will. It's like a lethal lottery.
An election is coming up. Is your federal Rep on board? Look it up here: How about your senators?
The Congressional Budget Office calculates that a public system like Medicare for All could essentially give your family an average $5,000 cash bonus every year — net cash saving, compared with what your household spends on healthcare today. That’s while fully covering you and your family for all needed healthcare. The CBO followed up with a second study, driving home the point:
Act now. The life you save could be your own. Or that of someone you love.