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Thanks for this excellent summary of the US self-made healthcare crisis. The enabling universal-care legislation languishes on the desk of every US Rep (HR 3421, over a hundred co-sponsors) and Senator (S.1655, over a dozen co-sponsors). Politicians and the media respond with deafening silence. https://medium.com/@idember/bidens-silence-throws-30-million-uninsured-americans-under-the-bus-ad03a3438bb4.

Presidential candidate Kamala Harris previously supported universal care, aka Medicare for All. Now? Silence, a betrayal of families across America.

On the Republican side it's even worse. Trump wants to destroy the crappy coverage we have now. Not a single Republican lawmaker is on board with universal healthcare. Not one. Peer-reviewed studies reveal that over 36,000 deaths a year stem from lack of universal care. This death toll amounts to a 9/11 catastrophe striking our nation this month, next month, every month. As you read this, a hundred more body bags pile up every day -- strictly from our elected officials failure to act. https://medium.com/@idember/on-9-11-terror-stalks-america-but-not-why-you-think-936df7bdf94a

They know it. Eyes wide open. They are absolutely willing to sacrifice you and your loved ones to their own political expedience. A term for this intentional neglect is stochastic homicide: they don't know exactly which of their constituents will die as a result, only that some will. It's like a lethal lottery. https://medium.com/@idember/lethal-lottery-shirley-jacksons-horror-tale-times-ten-thousand-for-real-f4a48e1d593b

An election is coming up. Is your federal Rep on board? Look it up here: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/3421/cosponsors. How about your senators?

The Congressional Budget Office calculates that a public system like Medicare for All could essentially give your family an average $5,000 cash bonus every year — net cash saving, compared with what your household spends on healthcare today. That’s while fully covering you and your family for all needed healthcare. The CBO followed up with a second study, driving home the point: https://medium.com/@idember/pigs-fly-cbo-admits-medicare-for-all-will-aid-people-businesses-economy-e32d72ce59a2

Act now. The life you save could be your own. Or that of someone you love.

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