Biden corrects unhinged jobs report spin. Joe Manchin disgrace. Debt Ceiling hypocrisy checked.
One cannot allow false narratives. The jobs report, while not optimal, was good. The real concerns should be GOP intransigence and a few Democrats protecting the corporatocracy at our expense.
3rd Personal Note
Watch Joe Biden disregard the unhinged unemployment report mainstream media GOP negative narrative
Register: Ask Egberto Anything. It is Saturday, November 6th, at 11:00 AM Central.
Semi-DINO Manchin complains about Schumer justifiably slamming GOP debt ceiling hostage-taking.
Worthwhile Reads
MSNBC Host slams Republican Senator: I hear you acknowledge the hypocrisy of your party (The Republican Party.)
Bernie Sanders goes ballistic on Joe Manchin: Stop holding Prez, 48 Senators, & Americans hostage.
3rd Personal Note
Politics Done Right Washington DC Micro Live Studio
First of all, let me extend a HUGE THANK YOU. The equipment many of you funded comes in this week. I can resume work more efficiently and professionally from DC.
I have started airing my media/radio show Politics Done Right out of Washington DC. As I mentioned in the previous newsletter, I will be taking care of my daughter, who had a 2nd stroke in 20 months. She is now stable and in rehab.
Because of the visiting hours at the rehab center, the program is temporarily airing live at 11:00 AM Central/Noon Eastern. Of course, you can listen at your convenience via podcast or at the Politics Done Right website.
Watch Joe Biden disregard the unhinged unemployment report mainstream media GOP negative narrative
President Joe Biden did not allow the mainstream media to define his narrative for an unemployment report that was less than expected. He framed it right.
The September unemployment report is out. And the mainstream media cannot accept that not because it was not a blockbuster number that it was still progress.
Job growth slowed to the year’s weakest pace last month as the latest coronavirus wave dashed hopes of an imminent return to normal for the U.S. economy.
Employers added just 194,000 jobs in September, the Labor Department said Friday, down from 366,000 in August — and far below the increase of more than one million in July, before the highly contagious Delta variant led to a spike in coronavirus cases across much of the country. Leisure and hospitality businesses, a main driver of job growth earlier this year, added fewer than 100,000 jobs for the second straight month.
“Employment is slowing when it should be picking up because we’re still on the course set by the virus,” said Diane Swonk, chief economist for the accounting firm Grant Thornton.
Joe Biden did not allow the abundance of negativity to take his eye off of the ball. He pointed out the unemployment rate is on a continued decline. Moreover, it is on the decline for every demographic. Additionally, wages are up.
"Overall, the unemployment report shows almost 200 000 jobs were created last month," Biden said. "Over three hundred thousand in the private sector and twenty-six thousand in manufacturing offset by some seasonal adjustments in education hiring. The monthly totals bounce around, but if you take a look at the trend, it's solid. On average, 600,000 new jobs created every month since I took office. And in three months before I got here, that was one-tenth what was being created. It's 60 000 as opposed to 600 000 jobs a month. In total, the job creation in the first eight months of my administration is nearly five million jobs; jobs up, wages up, unemployment down. That's progress, and it's a tribute to the hard work and resilience of the American people who are battling through this pandemic working to keep their businesses afloat."
That is the message one must convey going forward.
Register: Ask Egberto Anything
Ask me anything. And I mean anything. Do you have suggestions or advice? Let’s do it on the first Saturdays of every month at 11:00 AM Central/Noon Eastern/9 AM Pacific.
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Semi-DINO Manchin complains about Schumer justifiably slamming GOP debt ceiling hostage-taking.
Senator Chuck Schumer called out Republicans on the Senate floor. Our favorite DINO was upset that Schumer went to the floor with the truth.
After Republicans acquiesced to a cloture vote, Majority Leader Senator Chuck Schumer went to the floor and lit into the Republicans.
"On Monday morning, I said we needed to pass a bill to address the debt limit by the end of the week, and that is exactly what we did," Chuck Schumer said. "Republicans played a dangerous and risky partisan game, and I am glad that their brinksmanship did not work for the good of America's families. For the good of our economy, Republicans must recognize in the future that they should approach fixing the debt limit in a bipartisan way. What is needed now is a long-term solution, so we don't go through this risky drama every few months, and we hope Republicans will join in enacting a long-term solution to the debt limit in December."
Schumer continued.
"I thank very much thank my Democratic colleagues for our showing our unity in solving this Republican manufactured crisis despite immense opposition from Leader McConnell and members of his conference," Schumer said. "Our caucus held together, and we've pulled our country back from the cliff's edge that Republicans tried to push us over."
Joe Manchin was none too happy. He claimed that Schumer's response was uncalled for. This was after Republicans put the world's economy in peril.
Worthwhile Reads
My books and your subscriptions allow us to keep telling the progressive narrative in a form the mainstream media cannot because they are funded by those they must somewhat appease. To affect change, people must be respected and informed truthfully & civilly.
All of my books now have AudioBook versions. I just completed “As I See It,” the last one needing conversion. Purchase all three as a bundle or singly here.
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Cut out the middleman. Purchase the above three books at once for a 25% discount on our website as part of our series "Our Politics Made Easy & Ready For Action." You get the following.
As I See It: Class Warfare The Only Resort To Right Wing Doom (Paperback)
It’s Worth It: How to Talk To Your Right-Wing Relatives, Friends, and Neighbors (Paperback)
How to make America Utopia: Take away the economy from those who rigged it (Paperback)
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Get the deal here. If you prefer to purchase at Amazon, they sell the same series here.
MSNBC Host slams Republican Senator: I hear you acknowledge the hypocrisy of your party (The Republican Party.)
MSNBC Host Hallie Jackson did not allow Republican Senator Mike Braun to lie to Americans over their debt ceiling hostage-taking.
Hallie Jackson asked Senator Mike Braun about not supporting increasing the debt ceiling. The Senator began bloviating. He wanted her audience to believe that the debt ceiling increase somehow had something to do with President Joe Biden's Build Back Better bills.
Hallie Jackson would have none of it. She challenged him.
"Let's be super clear, Senator," said an admonishing Hallie Jackson. "Raising the debt ceiling is about not defaulting on the money already spent, that was spent under somebody you supported—your party's former leader, Donald Trump. Those were bills that President Trump and that Congress racked up that you now have to pay. How are you not going to do that?"
The Senator continued spinning. He continued to make it seem like he was holding back to be a responsible Senator controlling spending. Hallie continued to call him out.
Sadly the facts are that Republicans blow up the budget more so than Democrats, and the following conclusion is from the data and analysis thereof.
The end-result is simple: Republican presidents add more to deficits than their Democratic counterparts.
There is a lot of nonsense said in election seasons and academics simply don’t have enough time to produce a peer-reviewed study to address politicians’ claims in a timely manner. This analysis is an attempt to address such claims in real time, using transparent data and methods that can be verified and reproduced by others.
We must stop the spin. It damages us all.
Bernie Sanders goes ballistic on Joe Manchin: Stop holding Prez, 48 Senators, & Americans hostage.
Bernie Sanders could take it no more this week. He called out Joe Manchin for holding the majority of his party hostage, the prez, and Americans hostage.
Bernie Sanders did what someone needed to do in that form a long time ago. Joe Manchin, the Senator from a welfare state, and entitled state dependent on the government has the nerve to state that his hostage-taking on Build Back Better on account he does not want America to develop an entitlement mentality.
"My concern with Mr. Manchin is not so much what his views are," Bernie said. "I disagree with him. But it is that it is wrong. It is really not playing fair that one or two people think that they should be able to stop what 48 members of the Democratic Caucus want, what the American people want, what the President of the United States wants.:"
But a compromise does not mean moving to where Manchin is, He went on to say that as Manchin is complaining, he is giving no specificity.
"We need some specificity here," Bernie said. "It's not good enough to be vague. [Do] you want to cut child care? How much do you want to cut child care? [Do] you want to cut climate? Cut climate? What? How much do you want to do that? Tell us with some specificity what you want."
It is clear Bernie is frustrated. Americans should all be as rich Senators take their time as there are many Americans in dire straits.
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