Corporate greed has been exposed where it counts, in courts where they must be more truthful. Corporations, not Kamala Harris or Joe Biden, are responsible for inflation. Faiz Shakir, former Bernie Sa
I read with great interest the Newsweek piece you linked to, reporting on Kroger price gouging on milk and eggs. The piece quotes a Kroger white-collar criminal — er, executive — saying these examples were "cherry-picked."
Here in Houston, in our Spring Branch area, I shop my local HEB and Kroger -- 90% HEB because Kroger has a pervasive pattern of higher prices despite K's stupendous buying power. HEB's everyday price for Breyer's ice cream (made with milk and cream) is currently $4.78. At Kroger, the same product varies with so-called 'sale' prices but typically runs at least $5.99, sometimes $6.99 and, intermittently, at a bullshit regular price of $7.99 — a whopping 67% higher than HEB's price. Again, that's for the identical item.
The excess profit ends up in the pockets of mostly wealthy Kroger shareholders via dividends and, worse, stock buybacks. But hey, don't get me started!
I read with great interest the Newsweek piece you linked to, reporting on Kroger price gouging on milk and eggs. The piece quotes a Kroger white-collar criminal — er, executive — saying these examples were "cherry-picked."
Here in Houston, in our Spring Branch area, I shop my local HEB and Kroger -- 90% HEB because Kroger has a pervasive pattern of higher prices despite K's stupendous buying power. HEB's everyday price for Breyer's ice cream (made with milk and cream) is currently $4.78. At Kroger, the same product varies with so-called 'sale' prices but typically runs at least $5.99, sometimes $6.99 and, intermittently, at a bullshit regular price of $7.99 — a whopping 67% higher than HEB's price. Again, that's for the identical item.
The excess profit ends up in the pockets of mostly wealthy Kroger shareholders via dividends and, worse, stock buybacks. But hey, don't get me started!
I call it legalized theft.