There is an old saying: Don't change horses in the middle of the stream. President Biden is a coalition president, and even though Democrats traditionally reject that platform we cannot but embrace it now in the face of the Trump machine and its existential threat to our democracy. I beg you to be more thoughtful and resilient and to support and back our president and his team going into this most important election of our lifetimes.
'Twas ever thus! We all so want to live in a time of extended peace, but not one generation of human beings has accomplished that so far. We have to allow hope to help us to that goal. Thank you for all you do Egberto!
I hate making negative comments without a politically viable positive solution. But at the moment, I must. Doug Brinkley reflects Democrats' desperation as they see the election slipping away from them.
Kamala Harris has all the charm, charisma and dynamism of a stick of wood. I fervently wish it were otherwise. But I think the Dems chose her years ago precisely because she's so colorless. Harris is a machine politician who is well behaved. There's an old meme: "Well behaved women seldom make history." Harris doesn't present as a leader. She presents as a party apparatchik. She inspires no one. When turnout urgently matters, fuggettaboutit.
There are people on the left — progressives — who are truly inspiring. They could lead the country. But the corrupt old Democratic Party would never permit such a thing. In fact, they actively work to defeat such exciting and popular personalities in primary elections. Nuff said.
There is an old saying: Don't change horses in the middle of the stream. President Biden is a coalition president, and even though Democrats traditionally reject that platform we cannot but embrace it now in the face of the Trump machine and its existential threat to our democracy. I beg you to be more thoughtful and resilient and to support and back our president and his team going into this most important election of our lifetimes.
I hear you. We have been placed in a complicated position we do not deserve.
'Twas ever thus! We all so want to live in a time of extended peace, but not one generation of human beings has accomplished that so far. We have to allow hope to help us to that goal. Thank you for all you do Egberto!
I hate making negative comments without a politically viable positive solution. But at the moment, I must. Doug Brinkley reflects Democrats' desperation as they see the election slipping away from them.
Kamala Harris has all the charm, charisma and dynamism of a stick of wood. I fervently wish it were otherwise. But I think the Dems chose her years ago precisely because she's so colorless. Harris is a machine politician who is well behaved. There's an old meme: "Well behaved women seldom make history." Harris doesn't present as a leader. She presents as a party apparatchik. She inspires no one. When turnout urgently matters, fuggettaboutit.
There are people on the left — progressives — who are truly inspiring. They could lead the country. But the corrupt old Democratic Party would never permit such a thing. In fact, they actively work to defeat such exciting and popular personalities in primary elections. Nuff said.
I hear you.