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Thanks for spotlighting this GOP rift. However, you might have mentioned that while former Lt Gov Duncan praises Kemp for his "integrity", Brian Kemp was and is an arch-enemy of American democracy, among the worst of the worst, corrupt to the core.

Here's a 2022 excerpt from FAIR -- Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (next 2 paragraphs), https://fair.org/home/press-makes-trump-not-voting-rights-the-primary-issue

As Georgia’s secretary of state, Kemp for years vigorously promoted false election fraud stories and made Georgia a hotspot for undermining voting rights. He aggressively investigated groups that helped register voters of color; in 2014, he launched a criminal investigation into Stacey Abrams’ New Georgia Project—which was helping to register tens of thousands of Black Georgians who previously hadn’t voted—calling their activities “voter fraud.” His investigation ultimately uncovered no wrongdoing (New Republic, 5/5/15).

Kemp oversaw the rejection of tens of thousands of voter registrations on technicalities like missing accents or typos (Atlantic, 11/7/18) and improperly purged hundreds of thousands of voters from the rolls prior to the 2018 election (Rolling Stone, 10/27/18), disproportionately impacting voters of color (Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 3/12/20). He refused to recuse himself from overseeing his own race for governor against Abrams, drawing rebukes from former president, Georgia native and fair elections advocate Jimmy Carter (The Nation, 10/29/18), among others...

That's far from all. Read the FAIR piece and google Greg Palast on voting rights suppression in Georgia.

HOLD THE PRESSES! While posting my comment, I got an email from the Greg Palast team. It focuses on more of Brian Kemp's vast voter-suppression crimes: https://mailchi.mp/gregpalast/whos-sari-now-trump-disses-asian-american-voters. As you read it, just kinda squint and forget that former Lt Gov Duncan hails Kemp as having "integrity."

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