Egberto, discussing electoral polling brings to mind my own 2016 sort-of adventure. That's when major media and the Democratic Party went all-out to deny Bernie Sanders a fair shot at the Democratic presidential nomination. Their mantra: "Hillary is more electable." But was it true?

I began tracking and tallying polls that pitted Sanders and Clinton NOT against each other, but against leading Republican candidates -- one of whom they would face in November. To me it seemed the most realistic way to approximate the truth, such as it might be.

Between late February and early June, I tallied EVERY poll that pitted BOTH Sanders and Clinton against at least one Republican wannabe. This criterion ensured that each poll was apples-to-apples: same demographic, same time span, same pollster, same question phrasing, same methodology, and so forth.

Further, by tracking EVERY poll that met these criteria, I ensured there was no cherrypicking, so my own biases wouldn't taint the results. I wanted Sanders to win, but this was integrity. This was science.

I'll cut to the chase: In 150 polls across a four-month span, Sanders outperformed Clinton against every Republican, including one Donald J. Trump. Clinton, meanwhile, showed disturbing signs of electoral weakness.

I made a website and posted reports and updates. You can still see them at BernieWorks.com. Reviewing them now, I still feel the excruciating pain of Cassandra — gifted with prophesy but cursed to never be believed. I saw this electoral train wreck coming and could not stop it.

Clinton and an utterly corrupt Democratic Party (in cahoots with corporate media) won the primaries. And lost everything.

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I remember!!!!!

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