My New Book "Tribulations of an Afro-Latino Caribbean man" is here!
I am sure you will get a lot out of my new book "Tribulations of an Afro-Latino Caribbean man: Racism didn't Stop My Smile, Hope, Or Journey Forward."

My new book, Tribulations of an Afro-Latino Caribbean Man, is live. I have been working on this book for some time as I scoured my memory to remember the scores of racial incidents throughout my life that could have derailed my education, my engineering career, and my business. But I wrote it for a reason, especially when the otherization is the technique used to keep our eyes off the real problems in the country.
A few words before I get into the book.
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How do I get the book?
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My tribulations are no different than all those suffered by “the other.” We are in a time where there is a sect asking us to either forget or rewrite history. I am not all that old. The fact that I can tell these stories that so many either disregard or are unaware of provides an important metric. We are not the country we want to be yet.
Those who try to convince the majority population that DEI, CRT, and AA are acronyms that handicap them should walk in my shoes and others like me or see through my eyes. I am sure many would if their empathetic mind was not poisoned preemptively by a small sect willing to cause harm for their ulterior motives.
My experiences have taught me that there are ways to reach those who choose not to be inherently willfully ill-informed. After all, most people are good. I wrote this book for two audiences. Each is likely to see it through a completely different lens.
The first group is my white brothers and sisters, who I am sure will be shocked by some of the stories. More importantly, I am sure they will inadvertently see themselves in a few of the stories because, often, our upbringing has insulated them from the pain.
The second group is my POC brothers and sisters. They have lived my experience in some form. My goal is for them to see in my stories someone who does not stand for the status quo or many of the past approaches. For every obstacle, I found a figurative ladder to climb over it.
I make sure to be sufficiently tactful, ensuring that those who read the book can empathize and neither judge nor feel judged. I made the book short and concise enough to read over more than once to get some of what is inferred but purposefully not said directly to prevent that automatic objective thought process shutdown.
In telling my stories, you can see through my eyes. You can come to your own conclusions. More importantly, I want to make this book just the start of a dialogue. I have so many more stories; I am sure you also have some. After reading the book, give me your thoughts and let me know if I can add it to the running blog/dialogue I will post.