If Biden ‘manipulated’ the jobs number as Trump claims, how come the Biden-Harris administration released this terrible-looking number in the midst of a hard-fought presidential election? Make it make sense.

In fact, releasing bad news at a bad time reflects the Biden administration's INTEGRITY in the federal bureaucracy doing its mundane, everyday job without undue White House interference.

By contrast, Trump leaped to a bad-faith conclusion, reflecting his own character:

>> DISHONEST. Trump intentionally lying (surprise!), as Ali Velshi points out in his explainer.

>> STUPID. Trump incapable of understanding how the government works even after running it for four years.

>> CORRUPT. Trump assuming any president would ‘correct the record’ with a Sharpie — just as he would, and has, and does.

Conclusion: Trump’s attack says nothing about his adversary, but speaks volumes about one Donald J. Trump.

Most Republicans want their dishonest, stupid, corrupt leader back in the White House. What do YOU think?

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Excellent spotlight on Ali Velshi's work. Most people won't give the numbers a second thought. That makes Velshi's work -- and your amplification -- even more important. Thank you.

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