Your calculus is wrong Ira. We needed to spend that money on Americans and it paid off. We couldn’t have done M4A at that time. Had to triage priorities, and President Biden did that well.

Dont disparage either President Biden or VP Harris for not fixing health care yet.

Get to work taking the trifecta, Ira. We need all 3. Do your part. Only then can we move forward with health care reform, climate justice and human rights. First things first, and don’t be a downer on the way. 💪

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Interesting that you mention Biden's Build Back Better plan. It had a COST of $3.5 trillion. I believe spread over several years, maybe a decade. Purely for a sense of scale, universal healthcare aka Medicare for All could SAVE $6.5 trillion per decade. So 5-6 years of M4A could have PAID for the entire BBB stimulus plan.

It's more complicated — apples to oranges — but that's the gist of overall economic impact. (See summary of the Congressional Budget Office's take on Medicare for All: https://medium.com/@idember/pigs-fly-cbo-admits-medicare-for-all-will-aid-people-businesses-economy-e32d72ce59a2 ).

Meanwhile, Biden promised to veto universal healthcare if it ever reached his desk. Now Harris has reneged on her own support for M4A, revealing herself as just another mediocre corporate Democrat. No courage, no conscience.

The only thing worse: Trump. How's that for a low bar?

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NOPE Brother. They will never do it on their own when the lobbyist still have power. We must make them do it. It starts with showing we can defeat the lobbyist preferred candidates by energizing the grassroots. It is a slow process but we must be determined and not left backslides stop us.

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You’re wrong Ira

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