Wall Street wants you to forget the kids. Newsom scalds Hannity. Obama schools Scott, & more
Wall Street wants you to give them your money, not your kids. Gavin Newsom shows how to neuter the Right. Obama schools Scott on success and race. Bill Barr scorches Trump.
NOTICE: Paid subscribers to this newsletter can now read all of my books here. Recently I uploaded “It’s Worth It: How to Talk To Your Right-Wing Relatives, Friends, and Neighbors.” I will be uploading the other four books soon. Please become a supporter today. We could not possibly do this all without you.
Politics Done Right Topics:
How our economic system destroys our families one investment dollar at a time: An article appeared in my feed. I saw the same article pushed in several publications titled “‘We’re setting them up for failure’: Boomers supporting their Gen Z and young millennial children are having their retirements ruined, and savings raided,” which really upset me. Not many see the implication of the article. But the article’s sentiment and advice are anti-family, the instantiation of our capitalist doctrine. We will cover this in detail as one of our first topics. [More]
Gavin Newsom used Hannity to tell the Fox News audience that they are takers from the Blue States: Gavin Newsom is the template that Democrats and Progressives should use to handle Right-Wing hucksters. The Fox News viewers learned that their Red States are takers from the Blue States. [More]
Fmr AG Bill Barr & Defense Sec finally destroyed Trump highlighting his childish incompetence: Former Trump Attorney General Bill Barr & Defense Secretary Mark Esper appeared on Sunday morning shows and completely destroyed him. [More]
President Obama schools a delusional Tim Scott for his ill-thought-out statements on succeeding: Recently, Sen. Tim Scott disparaged those who know America has not yet attained equal access to success in his presidential run speech. Obama schooled him. [More]
These subjects are the topics of discussion today on Politics Done Right on KPFT 90.1 FM Houston today at 6:00 AM Central Time (7 AM Eastern/4 AM Pacific/5 AM Mountain). You can listen to it on air at 90.1 FM in the Houston metropolitan area or at politicsdoneright. tv.
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