Jonathan Hall, an American formerly residing in Kentucky, moved to Norway several decades ago. He talks about Norway’s healthcare system, which he loves. It is what a humane moral system looks like.
Egberto, thank you for reprising this 20-min video you made about 4 years ago. Sadly — thanks to our corrupt political system — it is even more relevant today.
I wish every politician, every voter would watch the full 20 minutes. Would anything change? Likely not, given the depth of corruption in the US non-system. But gotta start somewhere.
Further, this vid echoes several pieces I've posted to Medium. In the vid, Jonathan Hall discusses an old friend killed by the US profit system. I wrote of a similar instance: "At 26 [Josh Wilkerson] aged out of his dad’s healthcare coverage. He was all but uninsured. Wilkerson did have limited coverage from his job at a dog kennel, but it didn’t cover the insulin he needed. His out-of-pocket cost: $1,200 a month on a $16.50 hourly wage. In 2019 he switched to a much cheaper insulin that came with known risks. At age 27, it killed him."
(Your headline calls Jonathan Hall "Jonathan Miller". What's up with that?)
Egberto, thank you for reprising this 20-min video you made about 4 years ago. Sadly — thanks to our corrupt political system — it is even more relevant today.
I wish every politician, every voter would watch the full 20 minutes. Would anything change? Likely not, given the depth of corruption in the US non-system. But gotta start somewhere.
Further, this vid echoes several pieces I've posted to Medium. In the vid, Jonathan Hall discusses an old friend killed by the US profit system. I wrote of a similar instance: "At 26 [Josh Wilkerson] aged out of his dad’s healthcare coverage. He was all but uninsured. Wilkerson did have limited coverage from his job at a dog kennel, but it didn’t cover the insulin he needed. His out-of-pocket cost: $1,200 a month on a $16.50 hourly wage. In 2019 he switched to a much cheaper insulin that came with known risks. At age 27, it killed him."
(Your headline calls Jonathan Hall "Jonathan Miller". What's up with that?)
By contrast, a year ago the Washington Post published a 3,000-word piece blathering about low US life expectancy compared with peer nations -- without once mentioning that each has some form of universal healthcare, except the US.
A sort-of counter-example: . It still doesn't explicitly name pending Medicare for All legislation, stalled in Congress thanks to lack of attention by corporate media like the Washington Post. A self-fulfilling prophesy.